
Whats this site about?

I started this blog because I got tired of asking "What am I going to do this weekend?" Washington D.C. is without a doubt one of the most exciting cities in the country to live, work, or visit, and what most of us forget (including me) is that there are a ton of great things to do in this city that don't involve the national mall, politics, or Dupont circle. So here's my assignment. Go to, document, rank, and describe 52 (one for every weekend of the year) fun, unusual and off-the-beaten path places in, or around D.C. Because every project goes better with a few rules, here are some self-imposed conditions for the select list of 52:

  • Unusual. I'm looking for places that at least 80% of people who live in D.C. haven't been, wouldn't know, or wouldn't find. This isn't to say that the old stalwarts like Eastern Market, or the tidal basin aren't great. They are, but nobody needs to read the blog to tell them that.
  • Accessible. I'm looking for places that anyone from MD, VA, or DC can get to pretty easily. So, as a rule of thumb, they have to be no more than 20 miles from Metro Center.
  • Cheap. Need I explain? I'm not looking for anything that will break the bank. The limit is $10 for entrance fee.
  • Open to all. Everyone knows its fun to get into private parties, or get exclusive tours of the White House, but thats not something that you can plan on doing on a lazy weekend. I'm looking for places that are, true to our democratic roots, open to the masses.

 Wish me luck. Recommend good finds. Come back and check how "The 52 List" is progressing.